Words Pt2

Wow. I'm here again to say a big thank you to all of you who viewed, read and shared my last blog on WORDS. 

I got loads of encouraging words from many people; some I know, some I don't know and as a result, I felt I should do a continuation and emphasize on the power of words.

Words are a product of what you feed your soul with. This is the reason behind one great advice I received from my dad. Dad said "the man who can master the art of careful usage of his Eyes, ears, inner voices(emotion and will power

) will always have a way to navigate through life and come out successful".

This is true and I've noticed it over and over again. Most of the time, the root of what comes out of the mouth is basically traced to what was taken into the mind.

A young man who has a promising future might destroy himself untimely by setting his eyes and his ears on the wrong things. Frankly speaking, nobody wakes up and begins to talk anyhow. The holy book tell us that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh". 
Also, the holy book advices us to guard our hearts jealously for out of it flows the issues if life.

Dear friend, to be successful in life, be mindful of the mind of messages you send to your mind. Such messages have a way of affecting your mouth and your brain. Read good books, listen to good music with very palatable lyrics, avoid listening to those who kill your energy, play good brain games, try your best to resist the urge to say bad of an event or someone.

I love y'all

Please share and comment.


  1. Exactly what i needed to hear this morning....thank you man.....greater heights for you i pray 🙂

  2. Thanks for this wonderful piece.. so inspiring

  3. Replies
    1. You have taught me to be sir. It's an honor having you in my life

  4. Wow🥰🥰.... This is awesome
    Morning motivation......you are the best 💋💋


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