An Inch Closer

 Hey friends,

Today is another Good day and it comes with it's challenges, opportunities, obstacles and blessings too. 

Well, I've got something to tell you. I know during new years" Eve or prior to that day, we were told to write down goals and we've been told many times to Dream big. There are books with the title, "Think Big and Think Big &Kick ass in business and in life"- all respect to Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Thinking big and writing down big goals are very very good. Infact, they make you rely on your creator and they try to bring out the best in you.

But there is one thing that will hinder you fro

m getting all those things done and it's OVER EXCITEMENT. Over excitement will make you want to do big things first, forgetting the fact that Big things starts with small steps. If you still want to achieve those big things, kill over excitement and embrace the fact that, those goals or thoughts are just a destination.

To achieve those dreams and big thought, try as much as you can to do something that gets you an INCH CLOSE to that dream or vision. Trying to start big will make you end small. It is consistent drops of rain that makes an ocean. If you really want to do as you've thought, start with what you have, start from where you are and be determined each day to do something that brings you close to the fulfillment of your dream.

A journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with a ........(you can complete it your self)😊

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I love y'allπŸ’–πŸ€


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