Happy New Week

 Hello friend's!!😊

This past week was so so awesome. Thanks to all of you who make out time to click each link I share on social media. I'm grateful and I must say the stats makes me desire to put up content here. Once more I'm grateful.

Mum says a big thank you to all who wished her happy birthday too😁😁. She has been so happy and she covets your prayers and wishes too.

It's a new week and I guess, your plans for the week are ready. There is something I'd love to encourage you to do; which is, to maintain an unbroken focus. 

I was having a discussion with my dad some weeks ago(last year actually), and he said something during our discussion. Dad said, "The world cannot say No to a man who is Less Distracted". That statement hit me so hard that it stock right in my cerebrum. In as much as we have plans for the week, please make sure you plan on how to face distractions squarely.

This year is down by a week already. Start checking yourself and do some self evaluation. Whatever takes control of your life outside the plans you've made is a distraction and it must be avoided at all cost.

The best fighting tool that can be used to fight and win the war against distraction is DETERMINATION. When you're determined to achieve all you've planned, then focus will come into play and you'd become productive. One thing that is worthy of note is, in our pilgrimage, we can't decree against distraction, we can only overcome distraction with determination and unbroken focus.

Finally, review your plans for the week every morning. In doing so, you'd train your mind to fight distractions and you'd attract success naturally.

You could get off the phone for a moment and read that book you've stopped reading in a while, say your prayers and engage in more profit yielding activities. Please share this blog and comment below

I love y'all. 


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